Wilson Shook LMT, CMT


My newsletter goes out on a roughly seasonal basis. Subscribe here for updates about my practice, ruminations on health, healing, literature, and politics, and occasional discounts and benefits. It’s better than social media, I promise.

Autumn Update (and Discounts!) :: Winter Garden Healing Arts

Dear friends in healing,

I hope the autumn has received you gently, with plenty of time for reflection and self care. I hope that you and your loved ones have been safe from all the recent fires. I'm reaching out with a few updates about my practice, and a nice discount to help ease the transition to fall and winter. Read on for details.


Autumn Discounts

Things tend to slow down a bit this time of year, for better and for worse. Here's a little incentive to keep up your self care routine as the days become shorter. Enter the code "PUMPKINSPICE" when scheduling to get 20% off all appointments scheduled by 12/31/2019. 

(Limit 4. Does not combine with any other discount. May be scheduled for any date, but appointments rescheduled after the offer expires may be charged at full price).

Online scheduling at wilsonshook.com/schedule. Book your next appointment now!


Continuing Visceral Studies

In August, I traveled to Seattle to study Advanced Visceral Components of the Neck and Thorax, with my longtime teacher Dr. Ron Mariotti. In this class, I learned a whole set of new techniques for the upper body, including the esophagus; the mouth, jaw and hyoid region; the heart and pericardium; and many of the subtle connective structures between and around these. A very interesting class with a lot of useful new work that has affected how I approach the body.

Next week I will revisit my first Visceral Manipulation class here in southern California in hopes of brushing up on my skill, as well as working toward becoming an assistant teacher for the VM curriculum. I am looking forward to getting involved in teaching as a way to deepen my understanding of the body and as a way to demonstrate my commitment to this community that has had such a positive effect on my life and work.


Where to find me:

My availability is mostly unchanged, although I am now in Atwater Village on Friday, as well as Sunday and Monday. You may schedule these sessions through my website.

I continue to offer sessions in Santa Monica Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Saturdays and Sundays may be booked through my website--for Mondays please contact me directly to check for availability, as this changes week to week.

I offer in-home and on-site treatment seven days a week. I'm always happy to come to you where you are. You may schedule these sessions through my website. If you haven't had in-home or on-site treatment before and you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Please visit wilsonshook.com/schedule to book your next visit.

Thank you, as always, for allowing me to accompany you on your healing journey. Sending you warm wishes,

Wilson Shook, CMT

Winter Garden Healing Arts

Wilson Shook