Wilson Shook LMT, CMT


My newsletter goes out on a roughly seasonal basis. Subscribe here for updates about my practice, ruminations on health, healing, literature, and politics, and occasional discounts and benefits. It’s better than social media, I promise.

Now open in Silverlake :: Winter Garden Healing Arts

In this newsletter:

  • New Silverlake office, now open!

  • COVID safety, continued

  • New artwork on display

New Silverlake office, now open!

After a long year full of uncertainties, I’m excited to announce that I am accepting in-office appointments once again (COVID precautions are still in place—see below for details). This month I moved into a new space on the border of Silverlake and Atwater Village, along the Los Angeles River. This stretch of the river is one of my favorite places in the city, and I’m glad to have a new home close by. I am now located less than a mile from my friends at Templework LA, where I practiced before the pandemic. This location is easily accessible from the 2, 5, 110, and 134 freeways, has plenty of parking, and has a bit more privacy than the sometimes bustling Templework location. I am now focusing exclusively on the new Silverlake location (in addition to home visits), and will be taking appointments here Friday, Saturday, and Sunday beginning this week.

Schedule your appointment here: wilsonshook.com/schedule

COVID safety, continued:

As many businesses rush to return to normal, I want to continue to advocate for caution and common sense. Here in California, we seem to have turned the corner with the pandemic. Many folks are now vaccinated, the vaccines are working, and numbers are trending sharply downward. This is great news! But with surging cases and new COVID strains evolving in India and other parts of the world, it’s important to continue to be careful. This is not over here until it’s over everywhere. I got my vaccine shots in March and strongly encourage you to do the same if you have been on the fence. There’s a lot of sketchy information out there, especially in alternative medicine circles. If I believed everything the medical establishment told me, I wouldn’t be doing the work that I do, but I do believe that COVID vaccines are the safest and smartest way forward in this dangerous time.

With regard to precautions in my office, I am using a high powered, 5-stage HEPA and VOC air purifier, as well as bringing in fresh air with a combination of a window fan and the building’s central exhaust. I still require that everyone wear a face mask during their session. I believe that these measures, as well as the fact that there is no overlap between clients coming and going, will go a long way toward reducing the risk of infection.

New artwork on display:

On a lighter note, I am working on framing up a selection of my 35mm photographs from the past year, and I look forward to sharing these images with you. I’m also excited to have a home for my practice that reflects my own aesthetic a bit more than in recent years. I hope you’ll come by and take a look!

Thank you for continuing to walk this road with me. I’m grateful for those of you who have found ways to continue seeing me over the last year while navigating the various restrictions and guidelines; and I’m grateful for those of you who took a break from our work in order to stay safe. I look forward to working more with each of you soon.

Best wishes,


Wilson Shook