Wilson Shook LMT, CMT


My newsletter goes out on a roughly seasonal basis. Subscribe here for updates about my practice, ruminations on health, healing, literature, and politics, and occasional discounts and benefits. It’s better than social media, I promise.

Year-End Wishes & In-Home Discount :: Winter Garden Healing Arts

As the year comes to a close, I want to wish you all a season of peace, health, nourishing relationships, and the spark of inspiration. If your inbox looks like mine, you've received a dozen or more year-end emails already saying similar things, so I'll keep it brief and to the point. We all continue to try and make the most of this difficult time, and I am adapting my practice to the circumstances as they unfold. This email is a quick update to wish you well, and to make sure you know how to access my work if you feel the need.

Home visits are available (and discounted!)

In observance of the escalating COVID-19 crisis and the regional restrictions that went into place in LA County earlier this month, I have again paused all in-office appointments. Outdoor appointments with masks on are considered safe, and I am continuing to offer this option for home visits. I know that home visits are a stretch financially for many, and therefore I am offering a temporary discount. From now through January, use the coupon code ALFRESCO to take $40 off of in-home appointments scheduled through my website.

Learn more, and schedule your home visit here.

Learn more about COVID-19 safety and bodywork here.

DPN Fundraiser

I am now in the final week of my fundraiser for the local organization Dignity and Power Now. Since June I have been setting aside 15% of proceeds from each appointment as a donation to DPN. Those of you who have been on my mailing list for a while are probably aware of the work that DPN does, but if you’re seeing this for the first time, I recommend checking out their website and learning more. And, of course, any appointments in these final days of the year will help to support their work.

I hope you all are staying safe and finding the support you need to keep dreaming and living well. Feel free to reach out any time with questions, thoughts, etc.

Best wishes,


Wilson Shook